Sunday, January 28, 2018

New Year, New Me

res·o·lu·tion -- a firm decision to do or not to do something (definition brought to you by Google search haha)

As a child/teen, I always came up a with a list of New Year's resolutions. Did I follow them? Probably not. Did I know if I followed them? Heck no. Come December 31st, I have never taken out my list and checked to see if I followed my resolutions. Also, I hear this a lot, why make resolutions at the beginning of the year when you should just start them right here, right now. I can totally understand why people would feel that way, but it is refreshing to start anew.

SO. My New Year's resolutions of 2018. I feel like mine are always the same, something that I am always working on.

  1. Eat healthier- although I am vegan, it doesn't always mean I eat healthily. I want to be careful of what I put in my body.
  2. Be more active- I don't want to call this "exercise more" because I will abandon that haha. I want to get out and explore, whether this is with walking, biking, or cross-country skiing.
  3. Be happy with myself- I want to concentrate on my mind and soul. I will attempt to have a more positive view of myself. 
I hope that I can stick to these resolution, or goals, because I really want them to happen. 

A Bientot!
emmalily93 xx

Sunday, January 21, 2018

And I'm Back...

After a long moment of hibernation, I have developed a bubbling sensation to create. So here I am again, after way too long, I am blogging again. I don't know what my blog will turn in to, but I guess we will see won't we :) To kick things off, I will do a top 10 things you may not know about me!

  1. I am vegan: I started my vegan journey last year in May. It hasn't been a perfect journey, but I feel healthy and happy!
  2. I have a cat: This is also a new addition to my life. I got my cat Cooper last year in February. He is quite a troublemaker but I love him to bits!
  3. I am a teacher: Once again, new. I started my first year teaching in the fall of 2017.
  4. I live in a new town: I moved due to #3, and I love this little town I live in.
  5. I still have my Christmas tree up... #noregrets
  6. I danced for 15 years: Mainly consisted of ballet, tap, and jazz.
  7. I am addicted to the Sims 4
  8. I don't have very many friends (and that took a sad turn haha)
  9. I miss college
  10. I own a record player: I don't have very many vinyl records, but I still love listening to music in this way.
I am so excited to start my blog up again! It is fun and relaxing to create and express myself in some way. 

À Bientôt! ("See you soon" in French)
emmalily93 xx