Sunday, February 11, 2018

Travel Bucket List

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
– Mark Twain

Traveling around the world is definitely on the top of my bucket list, so why not create a bucket dedicated to travel!

Now, coming up with this list is very difficult. I really want to visit the whole world, but like a to-do list, I have to prioritize. So here is a list of the top 10 places I want to go (in no particular order).

Firstly, Ireland. As a historian, I love looking up my family ancestry. I've learned that some my ancestors are from Ireland, so naturally, I would want to visit!

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Second, the United Kingdom. England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. There are many places within this country I want to visit.
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Third, France. I have been to Paris before, and of course, I want to go back. But I would also like to visit other parts of the country.

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Fourth, Italy.

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Fifth, Greece.

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Sixth, Nepal.
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Image result for nepal

Seventh, Morocco.

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Image result for morocco

Eighth, Canada.

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Ninth, Brazil.

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Lastly, Mexico.

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I hope you thought that this was interesting. What are some of your dream places to visit?

Until next time, À bientôt!!


Sunday, January 28, 2018

New Year, New Me

res·o·lu·tion -- a firm decision to do or not to do something (definition brought to you by Google search haha)

As a child/teen, I always came up a with a list of New Year's resolutions. Did I follow them? Probably not. Did I know if I followed them? Heck no. Come December 31st, I have never taken out my list and checked to see if I followed my resolutions. Also, I hear this a lot, why make resolutions at the beginning of the year when you should just start them right here, right now. I can totally understand why people would feel that way, but it is refreshing to start anew.

SO. My New Year's resolutions of 2018. I feel like mine are always the same, something that I am always working on.

  1. Eat healthier- although I am vegan, it doesn't always mean I eat healthily. I want to be careful of what I put in my body.
  2. Be more active- I don't want to call this "exercise more" because I will abandon that haha. I want to get out and explore, whether this is with walking, biking, or cross-country skiing.
  3. Be happy with myself- I want to concentrate on my mind and soul. I will attempt to have a more positive view of myself. 
I hope that I can stick to these resolution, or goals, because I really want them to happen. 

A Bientot!
emmalily93 xx

Sunday, January 21, 2018

And I'm Back...

After a long moment of hibernation, I have developed a bubbling sensation to create. So here I am again, after way too long, I am blogging again. I don't know what my blog will turn in to, but I guess we will see won't we :) To kick things off, I will do a top 10 things you may not know about me!

  1. I am vegan: I started my vegan journey last year in May. It hasn't been a perfect journey, but I feel healthy and happy!
  2. I have a cat: This is also a new addition to my life. I got my cat Cooper last year in February. He is quite a troublemaker but I love him to bits!
  3. I am a teacher: Once again, new. I started my first year teaching in the fall of 2017.
  4. I live in a new town: I moved due to #3, and I love this little town I live in.
  5. I still have my Christmas tree up... #noregrets
  6. I danced for 15 years: Mainly consisted of ballet, tap, and jazz.
  7. I am addicted to the Sims 4
  8. I don't have very many friends (and that took a sad turn haha)
  9. I miss college
  10. I own a record player: I don't have very many vinyl records, but I still love listening to music in this way.
I am so excited to start my blog up again! It is fun and relaxing to create and express myself in some way. 

À Bientôt! ("See you soon" in French)
emmalily93 xx