Monday, January 19, 2015

Body Image

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a good new year so far!

One thing I really want to talk about is self body image. I have suffered with negative self body image for the longest time and for the past year I have really seen it affect my life. Recently, as in just before I decided to write this, I have decided to try to start loving my body. I've seen this work with one of my best friends but I feel that this was never going to work on me. The main reasons I thought this was because as of right now I am not healthy and I am working on getting fit and being in a healthy weight range (for I am overweight mainly because of the classic unhealthy college diet). So I feel this body I am currently in is quite temporary, so why would I love it? Well I think if I don't start to love my body I will forever hate the body I am in even if it is a healthy body. So aside from my new years resolution of being active (in school, exercise, healthy eating etc.), I will start loving my body more. This article I found very helpful in finding ways to help with my self esteem and I hope that it will also help you. And, although I am not 17 anymore, I like Seventeen Magazines "Body Peace Project," found here. It has lots of resources in helping you gain confidence and you can even sign a peace treaty with your body.

I hope that this blog has helped at least one person :)

Oh and also! Check out this video from Zoella and Sprinkleofglitter! It provides a great look into general body images and how it doesn't just affect curvier people.

PS- School is going well! I have started my research on my capstone for history. It is on the counterculture of the 60s :)